President's Welcome—Alan Lamson

Alan Lamson,  President of the PCC Retirees Association 2022你好,退休人员.  I’m now president of our Retirees Association.  Elvio Angeloni retired and moved to Colorado with wife Cici to be near a granddaughter.  我们都很想念他.  Very few on our retirees board wanted to take his place—ok, no one did.  所以我自告奋勇.  I said I would serve for one year.  我们将会看到.

I’ve been on the Board more years than I should according to the old bylaws, but every time I mentioned about retiring, Elvio would say:  “you can’t.  “我们需要你 the scholarship committee.”  I didn’t protest much since I like giving out awards to deserving students who have been through tough times. 

Like Elvio, my time at PCC reaches back to the late 60’s.  Much has changed since those days when you sweated through summer classes with no air-conditioning.  我记得 that every morning Dean Eichenberry greeted staff as they pulled into the parking lot next to C building.  And when the first of the month arrived, faculty gathered around their boxes in the C building to receive their monthly checks.  这很方便 way to get to know people at the College.  Armen Sarafian held frequent “diversified faculty” meetings with faculty—and you didn’t dare miss one.  他会记得. 

So here we are decades later.  Most of us from those bygone times have been retired from some time; more than a few have passed.  These days, as I walk the hall in C building (soon to be the Jack Scott building)  I recognize few of the staff.  实际上, you see few people walking the halls these days.   But at the Retirees’ board meetings, I’m surrounded by people I know.  The young ones are in their 60’s, more in their 70’s, and a few in their 80’s.   We enjoy getting together at our board meetings and occasional outings. 

How long I serve is anyone's guess, but for now I’m enjoying my post and looking forward to the rest of this year’s activities. I especially enjoyed our scholarship awards luncheon on May 12 at the Unversity Club.  We awarded nine students $2,000 scholarships. Many thanks go to our major donors for funding these awards and introducing our scholarship recipients at the luncheon.

I hope some of you will contribute to our Retirees 奖学金基金. 它需要有规律 喂养. Any amount is welcome. You can contribute online by going to the 基金会 donation website - You can choose the amount to donate and then designate it for the PCC Retirees Association 奖学金基金. Or you can send a check for the Retirees Scholarship fund to the PCC 基金会 at 1570 East 科罗拉多大街.帕萨迪纳91106. Many thanks for helping a student achieve their success.

Alan Lamson, Chair PCC Retirees’ Scholarship Committee
Committee members-Mikki Bolliger, Rob Lee, Dona Mitoma, Jan Sutherland


The Pasadena City College Retirees Association is a non-profit organization. 它的目的 are to contribute to the mission of the College and to contribute to the fellowship and the intellectual interests of its members.

All retirees are automatically members of the Association. Active members are those who wish to participate in the activities of the Assocation, some of which are listed in the section on the 历史 of the organization. Honorary members are those invited by the Association who wish to participate