Updated August 24, 2023

COVID-19 Testing

不,你不会被从你的课程中除名,并且必须安排维持 your academic standing.
Students who test positive must go home, isolate themselves, and fill out a Covid Support Form. PCC的Covid支持团队将与隔离和/或隔离说明保持联系. 

你不需要在上课前进行测试. 但如果你有症状 please get tested and consider not coming to class until your symptoms resolve.

Unfortunately no, the test kit must go to the receiver who must be present with a photo ID.

Unfortunately no, all tests are exclusively for PCC students and employees. However, you can choose how you'd like to use the test kits that are allotted to you. We recommend that you stock up on test kits each month so you have them ready when needed.

不,您不能因为出现症状而对访客进行测试或限制他们进入PCC校园. You can request that they wear a mask, or you may mask yourself.

You are allowed to pick up three replacement test kits within a semester.

Yes, please contact Covidsupport@dynamicpaper.net 并且包括你的请求的细节包括活动的名称,日期,还有 number of tests requested, and the contact information of the lead chaperone.

当发现阳性病例时,PCC的COVID支持团队将与学生联系 and employees identified as close contacts with further instructions. Following these instructions will help us reduce the spread of this disease and manage the impacts of this pandemic. 请记住,COVID-19状态是保密的 medical information 不应该与他人分享.

在进入校园建筑之前,你不需要出示阴性检测证明, and your instructor should not ask you to show a negative Covid test to attend.

是的,如果你身体很好,可以在你积极的时候在家工作,你可以 主管的批准.

当发现阳性病例时,PCC的COVID支持团队将与任何人联系 identified as close contacts with further instructions, or an in-person on-campus physical notification will be posted where a known Covid exposure is known to have occurred. 所有的校园曝光也可以在网上找到 this link. Following these instructions will help us reduce the spread of this disease and 管理这一大流行病的影响. 请记住,COVID-19状态是保密的 医疗信息,不应与他人分享.

除非另行通知,否则所有与冠状病毒有关的缺勤均应记入带薪病假. Paid Sick Leave can be entered into your timecard by your supervisor. Any further inquiries can be directed to Barmey Ung in Human Resources at bung1@dynamicpaper.net,

Yes. You will be notified if one of your students tests positive and needs to be absent from class.

所有教室现在都配备了OWL摄像头. 请用这些给学生 may attend class remotely and maintain their academic standing.


如果一个学生或同事告诉你,他们知道有人有新的症状,一个积极的 COVID test, or close contact with a COVID case, refer that person to the COVID Support Form. These forms bring relevant information to the COVID Support Team, who will then 与学生或员工协商,告知他们任何必要的步骤,并进行协商 with other college personnel to implement a plan of recovery.



一个积极的新冠病例很少会影响一个班级的模式,但如果有多个 如果发现阳性病例,您可以与院长和Covid支持人员讨论 小组暂时远程上课.

Vaccine Requirements & Exemptions


No. 不再需要接种疫苗 for both online and in-person courses.

No. 不再需要接种疫苗


Access to Campus

警方和安全部门将于2月恢复对停车许可证的强制执行 13, 2022. Digital parking permits will be required for anyone visiting the Colorado 校区和CEC/Foothill校区. 许可证销售可以通过LancerPoint购买. 每天的许可证可以在每个停车场的停车许可证机器上以2美元的价格购买 parking lot.


Health & Campus Protocol

PCC的COVID支持团队是学院相关信息的十大靠谱棋牌游戏 针对COVID-19暴露,在适当的情况下开展接触者追踪活动 当地公共卫生当局.


如发现校园内有阳性病例,应通知时间、日期、 并将地点贴在曝光地点的门上,为期14天. Also, all potential on campus exposure info can be found on our website at our On-Campus Exposures dashboard.

PCC是一个由多个校区组成的大型机构,拥有超过25,000名学生 拥有3000多名员工. 学院将继续平衡势在必行 告知我们社区中受COVID-19影响的人需要保持健康 在大流行期间按照所有相关法律和 regulations.

Work Protocols

如果学生和员工最近参加了考试,他们是不允许进入校园的 新冠病毒呈阳性,仍处于隔离期. 有症状的人 even if they test negative for Covid, should consider not coming to campus, making arrangements to work remotely, or masking while on campus as a precaution.

More information about our operations during this time are available on the Coming to Campus website.

Businesses, institutions, and organizations across the state have been authorized 恢复满负荷运转,只有少数例外,一般不会 apply to PCC.

预计任何与新冠肺炎相关的工作缺勤都将得到解决 with sick leave, extended leave, or other leaves as appropriate. For more information about your particular situation, please refer to this link from Human Resources - http://dynamicpaper.net/hr/ffcra.php,或与人力资源部的Barmey Ung联系 bung1@dynamicpaper.net.
Yes, an OWL camera will be deployed to the instructor's class for the duration of 学生被隔离或检疫. 相机应该在这段时间内使用 that the student can still participate and maintain their academic standing.

This depends. Individual meeting organizers are responsible for determining the format 这对他们的参与者最有效.

在同一校区的情况下,每个机构都应该报告积极的结果 向市或县卫生部门报告病例,然后由卫生部门联系其他机构 作为接触者追踪过程的一部分.

For more information on reporting a COVID-19 case, watch this video: 



作为一个社区,我们的优势之一是我们帮助朋友的集体本能 and colleagues in need. 就像我们社区的任何成员去世一样, 建议教师、职员和学生与值得信赖的同事分享他们的观点 或者教授,并利用学院提供的专业资源 as appropriate. 学生可以联系个人咨询服务 personalcounseling@dynamicpaper.net. Full- and part-time faculty and staff are advised to use the 员工援助计划.

一如既往,学院的所有员工都应该遵守这些条款 根据每个员工团体的集体谈判协议的规定,他们的就业 或其他雇佣合同. 任何例外情况将通过程序处理 在相关的集体谈判协议、合同或学生中确定 handbook, and in accordance with any applicable laws or regulations.

The planning process governing our ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic is an 操作事项和通过相应的过程模型处理,包括 与学院的集体谈判单位和各种适当的参议院进行接触.


回到亲自操作意味着计算机实验室和其他学习资源 中心将再次对学生开放. 该学院还将继续使用笔记本电脑 为需要使用技术来完成学业的学生提供贷款计划 programs of study.

截至2021年7月1日,所有校园教学和工作空间已收到适当的 保护屏障,标记和占用决定,以满足学院的指导方针. 2021年6月中旬,公共卫生机构取消了能力和身体距离限制. Businesses, institutions, and organizations across the state have been authorized 恢复满负荷运转,只有少数例外,一般不会 apply to PCC.

设施服务处已订购并安装了洗手液分配器,方便洗手 stations, and other facilities to promote the health and safety of our community.

Physical Plans

The college improved air-filtration and HVAC systems to meet the needs of a return to in-person operations. 过滤系统已升级到MERV-13标准. (有关过滤规格的更多信息). 这些系统考虑到个人打开或关闭窗户的能力 as appropriate. Individual air purifiers have been installed in every classroom, office, and workspace on campus.

The college continues to evaluate the need for covered outdoor areas for programs 以及需要大空间聚集的活动.

2021年6月中旬,公共卫生机构取消了能力和身体距离限制. Businesses, institutions, and organizations across the state have been authorized 恢复满负荷运转,只有少数例外,一般不会 apply to PCC.

设施服务部负责按照规定清洁所有学院空间 已建立的COVID-19指南. 个别部门已作出安排与 Facilities personnel to accommodate unusual space and equipment requirements.

Facilities Services continues to thoroughly clean and sanitize all areas of campus. 对通风和其他气候支持系统进行了改进,以确保 他们的持续运作. 如果你注意到有需要注意的地方,请 向设施服务部提交一张票 and they will respond.